南 Is ‘Just 正确的’ for Coach 主要Applewhite

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Coach 主要Applewhite and his family




University of 南 Alabama Jaguars Head Football 阿普尔怀特少校教练和他的妻子朱莉, 女儿莱拉(Lila)和儿子纳什(Nash)已经把“移动之家”称为“移动之家” for the past three years. After serving as the team’s 三个赛季的进攻协调员,他成为了 他是美国足球历史上第四位主教练 2024. Veteran sports broadcaster and USA Director of 媒体关系兰斯·克劳福德最近采访了 Applewhite to discuss all things football. 这里有一些 of his thoughts, edited for brevity.


“我记得莫比尔还是个孩子的时候,和父母一起在这里旅行. 我们实际上 came to a Senior Bowl at Ladd-Peebles Stadium. But then coming through here as an 长大后,我比小时候更喜欢这个城市. 然后有一次我 on campus, it kind of blew me away a little bit. It was like, wow, I like this campus. 这让我想起了墨西哥湾沿岸的感觉,就像在巴吞长大一样 胭脂. 有很多相似之处,只是校园的美丽. 我真的 感觉就像在家里一样,当我开始绕圈行驶时,我就像,我 really like this place. 然后我爬上了山,来到了运动场. I saw this brand-new stadium. We’ve got plenty of space. We’ve got meeting rooms. 这是一个很好的设置. Now we’re going to take it different places. 我们要 拿起来吧. 但这是一个很好的设置,可以在一个气体中招募年轻人 tank’s distance to come to school. 然后你看到校园生活,看到数字 的学生. 这不是一个小校园,也不是一个小人口. 这不是
a large campus with a huge population. 刚刚好.”

What His Jaguar Team Will Look Like

“他们 going to be competitive. 他们 going to be competitive in everything they do, or they’re not going to see the field. 我们要 be competitive in the classroom and be competitive on the field. 我们要 be tough. You know, offensively, we’re trying to score every time we touch the ball. I’m not talking about every series. I’m talking about every play, we try to score. Every time we touch the ball. 防守, 我们要进攻了. But I want our guys not only just to be competitive; I want us to win the right way.

“You know, I’m a little bit old school. I grew up with the coaches that you won with class, you won with humility, good sportsmanship. You know, you knocked the guy down 你把他扶起来,然后说,五到六秒后见. 我的意思是, I grew up in that frame of mind. 所以你现在看到的一些东西是 just added distractions. 我希望大家专注于手头的任务,专注 十大彩票网投平台我们的竞争对手. 但当有人打开电视却没有音量时,我想 them to see a team that’s flying around. It’s physical, competitive, that they can talk to you through the screen. 你不需要音量.”


Coach Applewhite and his team

Qualities of a Great Coach

“我想清楚地为你的员工描绘一幅你想成为的样子,然后 提出一个计划,让他们有时间做这件事. 但显然绘画 这是我眼中的进攻,这是我眼中的防守, 这是我在招聘中看到的,这是我在学术方面看到的, 这是我在我们休赛期训练的举重室里看到的,只是 画一个非常清晰的愿景,然后是一个计划,一个去做的计划. 不只是,这是 a vision, y’all figure it out. 这是愿景,这是计划,然后是这个 质量控制是不是要回去看看我们是否达到了我们的目标和计划. I think you also have to have some patience. 我们都很有竞争力. 我们想要它,你 知道吗,现在不是正确的,所以你要有耐心,慢慢来, understand there’s a human element in it. 他们 kids, they’re 18 to 22. 他们 going to make mistakes. 我们必须在那里培养他们,帮助他们达到目标 他们的潜力.”

Perspectives on the Transfer Portal

“这些碎片在不断移动,但它就是这样. Those are the rules we all 事先知道. 你知道吗,我内心深处有点厌倦了你的抱怨. It’s what the rules are. You know, we all agree on it, right? 正确的. 那么让我们 去玩. 这取决于你如何使用这些规则,取决于你如何行事 但是,你想制定你的计划,你想如何让这些规则发挥作用 你自己. 我们最近做得很好把传送门里的人带进来 can help our football team.”


“My daughter’s a competitive dancer. My son is 8 years old, he plays all the sports. So they’re highly involved in all their activities. My wife has her crew, and that’s really all you’re looking for. I figured this out from my mom a long time ago. 和 所以无论我们走到哪里,我们的每一次行动,我都在想,好吧,儿子很好,女儿很好 good, wife’s good, I’m good. 和 that’s just the way it works. 和 I can be good about anywhere as long as those three are good.”

十大彩票网投平台 主要Applewhite

出生地: Baton 胭脂, Louisiana


Played quarterback at Texas for four seasons. Named Big 12 Freshman of the Year and 1999年联盟最佳进攻球员. In his final appearance for 长角牛队被评为假日碗最有价值球员.

Syracuse University quarterbacks coach; offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach at Rice University; various roles at Texas; head coach at University of Houston; analyst on Nick Saban’s staff at the University of Alabama; offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach at the University of 南 Alabama
